Thursday, December 8, 2016

Behold the Might of the Kaiser's Armee

Here are a couple of shots of my Imperial Prussian Army.

First is the group shot of all sixty points (less those annoying supply wagons)

the full sixty point army 
L to R, three ranks of Irregular Rifles followed by Tribal Cavalry, in the center a drilled gun, a poorly served gun and the Regular Cavalry, on the right two units of Regular Riflemen and a unit of Unenthusiastic Regulars then two units of Tribal spearmen

 Twenty four points makes you really think about how you spend your limited resources, too much quality and a few casualties can cripple you, not enough and you have no striking power. My force might not be the best but I think that it is fairly well balanced.

my typical Field Force, one unit of Regular Rifles, two units of Irregular Rifles, 
a poorly served gun, a unit of Tribal Cavalry and a unit of Tribal Spearmen

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